This old one runs forever, but never moves at all. He has not lungs nor throat, but still a mighty roaring call. What is it?The answer is written below, backwards.
.llafretaw A
Mountains will crumble and temples will fall, and no man can survive its endless call . What is it?The answer is written below , backwards.
I was carried into a dark room and set on fire. I wept, and then my head was cut off. What am I?The answer is below written backwards.
.eldnac A
Black am I and much admired, men seek me until they're tired. When they find me, they break my head, and take me from my resting bed . What am I?The answer is below , written backwards.
Read my riddle, I pray. What god never sees, what the king seldom sees, and what we see every day. What is it?
.lauqe nA
What can be heard and caught but never seen?The answer is below, written backwards.
.kramer A
I'm as small as an ant, as big as a whale, I'll approach like a breeze, but can come like a gale. By some I get hit, but all have shown fear. I'll dance to the music, through I can't hear. Of names I have many, of names I have one. I'm as slow as a snail, but from me you can't run. What am I?The answer is below, written backwards.
.wodahs a ma I