Wednesday, October 25, 2006
A woman sat at her kitchen table with her two sons. She spoke to each of them in turn and they replied to her but the sons never spoke to one another. The boys had not had an argument and they did not dislike one another. Although they spoke freely with their mother, they didn't say one word to one another. Why? The answer is below, written backwards.

.egaugnal emas eht tnrael t'ndah yeht esuaceb rehtom rieht hguorht rehtona eno ot klat ylno dluoc syob owt eht, rehtorb flah sih tem dna reh detisiv nos tsrif reh nehW . nos dnoces a dah dna namhcnerF a deirram dah ehs , ecnarF nI . aissuR ni sevitaler htiw deyats dah nos tsrif reh tub ecnarF ot yawa nur dah ehS . naissuR saw rehtom ehT